3869. Meteomeasurements


Alex is studying in the fifth grade and is going to be a meteorologist. Alex recently started a diary, where he wrote the daily temperature in his own town. Alex found the historical data for the past several hundred years, which means that he has a lot of data. Alex asks you to write a program that calculates the average temperature during k consecutive days, and he needs these values for the entire observation period:

·        Average temperature from 1-st till k-th day

·        Average temperature from 2-nd till (k + 1)-th day

·        and so on until he has data.

And after all these calculated values Alex needs only two numbers - the minimum and maximum values. Help Alex and write the program for him.


Input. First line contains two integers n and k – the number of temperature measurements and the number of days to calculate the average temperature (1 ≤ kn ≤ 105). Next line contains n integers – the temperature measurements. Each of these numbers is in the range (-100, 100).


Output. Print two lines that contains minimum and maximum average temperature, calculated on segments of size k. Round the answer to the nearest integer.


Sample input

Sample output

4 2

10 12 18 16






dynamic programming


Algorithm analysis

Let t1, t2, …, tn be the observed temperatures. Calculate the partial sums of temperatures in array sum. That is let sum[i] = t1 + t2 +… + ti (1 ≤ in). For this we use the recurrence: sum[0] = 0, sum[i] = sum[i – 1] + ti.

The average temperature from (ik + 1)-th till i-th day (the length of the interval is k days) equals to (tik + 1 +… + ti) /  k = (sum[i] – sum[ik]) / k. However, for simplicity, we will look for the minimum and maximum sums of temperature among all the intervals of length k (when we’ll print the average temperature, we’ll  divide these values by k). That is, we compute:

·        min =

·        max =

So the minimum and maximum average temperature on intervals of length k equals to min / k and max / k.


Algorithm realization

Declare array of partial sums sum and infinity constant INF.


#define MAX 100010

#define INF 2000000000

int sum[MAX];


Read the input data.


scanf("%d %d",&n,&k);


Calculate the partial sums of temperature measurements.


sum[0] = 0;

for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)



  sum[i] = sum[i - 1] + val;



Calculate the minimum and maximum value among all the sums with k summands.


min = INF; max = -INF;

for(i = k; i <= n; i++)


  if (sum[i] - sum[i - k] < min) min = sum[i] - sum[i - k];

  if (sum[i] - sum[i - k] > max) max = sum[i] - sum[i - k];



Print the answer.

